Reader Jon was so kind as to recommend a very clever ceiling fan. The Air Shadow is a ceiling fan whose blades retract when not in use. Sort of like a transformer, except for grown ups.
I like the idea, both from a "clever gadget" perspective, but also because it doesn't take up the visual space in a room a traditional ceiling fan does.
The other find from Jon? The site he found the Air Shadow on is Fanimation, which has some of the most fabulous fans I have ever seen.
Have you ever wanted multiple ceiling fans belted together, like they have a Dave and Buster's? Check out the Brewmaster.
Have an extremely high ceiling and want to fill the space to make the room more cozy? I'd say the American is your fan.
Perhaps something more evocative of a hovering airship?
What fun! There's lots more on the Fanimation site (and be sure to check out their gallery).
Other fans.
Sara, you're link to the Fanimation site is mis-spelled.
You left out the "i" after Fan.
Just thought you'd want to know.
Fixed. Thanks, Happy.
Thanks for the props!
Nathan Frampton
President, Fanimation
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