After I f
eatured his artwork on The Steampunk Home earlier this year, Derrick of
London Particulars contacted me and offered a print as a giveaway to you, my dear readers! So we're having a contest to see who wins
The Professor and the House of Lords, a moody 8"x12" Photographic Artwork:

But wait, there's more. London Particulars has also thrown in one
genuine adjustable steampunk ring.

Like all of London Particular's work, part of its charm is in the Professor Thistlequick narrative that places it in the same world as the print:
Professor Aubrey Thistlequick's niece, Fiona Stickclick was a very curious girl.Not curious as in strange or unusual, but curious like a particularly inquisitive cat.Once, on a Sunday afternoon visit, the Professor found her sat before a trunk in his hidden study rifling through one of his most secret collections."What are all these?" she asked, holding up a small keyhole."Ah, well that escutcheon contains the lock that secures one of the many hidden secrets of the universe" replied the Professor."Oh my! Are they all secrets Uncle?" cried Fiona."Yes, my dear" said the Professor "and I've been collecting them for many years"."Can I have the keys please Uncle?" asked Fiona."Well no, because no-one should be given the keys to the universe, my dear, besides, everyone needs an element of mystery in their lives!""But I only want to see just one of the universes deepest secrets!" protested Fiona petulantly."Ah, well the other thing is that I've lost the keys. It's a bit of a bind really as I never even got to use them." said the Professor "With all the people searching for the keys to the universe, the thing which has always perplexed me is...what on Earth were they planning to do with them if they could not find the keyholes?" the Professor exclaimed with a heavy sigh and then he gave an excited squeak "There it is! I've been looking for this jar of blackberry jam for weeks!""Is it magical?" asked Fiona."No, I'm afraid it’s not. But it's pretty dashed tasty, and just in time for tea!"Win it! Comment below and answer the question "What's the most steampunk city you know of, and why?" and Monday evening I'll pick the winner using a
true random number generator.
Bonus: Derrick has also offered the readers of The Steampunk Home a 10% discount on purchases from
his shop. Just mention "Steampunk Home" in the "Messages to Seller" section when making a purchase and he'll refund 10% via PayPal.
update: the contest is finished, but you are welcome to continue to add your favorite steampunk cities in the comments below.