Reader Liz recently sent me these great salvage finds from a UK salvage operation called SalvoWEB. Her best find? The interior fittings of a Welsh Victorian Chemist Shop. (It would make a lovely kitchen, if you have a spare £10,000.)

The wall mounted fuel dispenser would make interesting wall art -- I wonder if it could be detoxified enough to safely dispense imbibables?

They have lots of other fine things -- mahogany bars, glass bottle collections -- so take a look around. I also noticed they're hosting a Salvage Fair June 27th at Knebworth, Hertfordshire, which would be worth a trip if you're anywhere in the vicinity. (And grace us with a report, please...)
Salvage Fair is a place that I would truly like to see. The offerings much be so much more interesting than what we find here in NY.
Thanks for the great post.
Very cool! Love it all!
And Arthur & Leslie: as a fellow NY'er, I agree!
great stuff, there is a place in tynemouth, uk that salvages similar pieces but nowhere near as great as this! fantastic blog by the way! x
Those chemist cabinets are enough to make this mad scientist cry. Sadly I'm nowhere near the British Isles.....sweet post, thanks!
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