Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Giveaway: Damn French Desserts

First of all, how awesome is this Etsy shop name: Damn French Desserts.

Second, check out the exquisite paper goods theses sisters manufacture (manu: hand, facture: make) out of Madrid, Spain.

When reader Heather pointed me in their direction, I knew you would drool over this "purveyor of exquisite knick knack" as much as I did, so I contacted them to see if they'd like to do a giveaway on The Steampunk Home. Luckily for all of us, they did!

Here's what the giveaway includes (items pictured at top):

To win: comment on this post. I'll pick a winner from the comments at random next Monday, January 31st, post it so the winner can send me their address and the good folks at Damn French Desserts will send your prize winging it way across the ocean to you.


Unknown said...

Oh, fabulous! I think I just found a new Etsy shop to haunt...

Dawn said...

Aaah! These are awesome! I would love to win!

Rei said...

These are absolutely darling :D wonderful find, I'll definitely be checking their shop out!

SuperMachoMao said...

My new favorite etsy shop. Amazing.

Amber Sausen said... intriguing! I love their work; thanks for sharing it.

LivingInSong said...

How wonderful! I'll be checking there shop out for sure!

C Pohl said...

Hmmm...very interesting and fun...i love the door hanger!!!


Unknown said...

This stuff is absolutely wonderful. Win or not, I'm going to be purchasing!

Quinn said...

Oh. My. God. I would kill for this kind of inspiration!

WildeRose said...

Brilliant, such lovely products!

Jenni said...

oh wow this shop looks awesome!

Sandye said...

These are so fun! What a great sense of humor.

Edward Shaddow said...

Some great stuff there!

Touch of Ink said...

I love the poison labels. I'll have to get some of those, for sure! Thank you for sharing this link!

Unknown said...

Amazing!I'd definitely be happy adding any of these to my collection :)

Garden Pheenix said...

Oh! OOOH *Crosses fingers* I wish I may, I wish I might, win the steampunk treasure giveaway tonight!

Here's hoping! <3

Memory said...

What an awesome giveaway! Please count me in.

Dani said...

Well even if I don't win I expect I'll be buying some things from them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful stuff!

Kat said...

How fun it this!
The etsy shop is a great find. I think these would be great in the bar. Fun to watch the double takes when someone reads the label.

Thanks for sharing.

Becca said...

::swoon:: So lovely!

The Daily Sarah said...

Those are some wonderful labels.

TakoInk said...

Definitely just added this shop to my etsy favorites. I love discovering awesome new crafters!

echomyst said...

Adding shop to my etsy favourites as well! Love the Victorian skeleton cards :-)

Len said...

They make some wonderful items. I just spent a lot of time browsing their Etsy shop!

Kerry said...

This is wonderful! Love these items.

Andrea said...

How fancy. Love the eye to detail they show! They make great manu-facturers!

R.S. Bohn said...

Added the shop to my faves. That is some seriously cool stuff. The burlesque corset card? *droolz*

becca jo said...

oh my! i love their stuff! thanks for pointing them out!

Anonymous said...

Poison? I need some of that.

Anonymous said...

Amazing stuff! I'm going to favorite them right now!

Ironstrangeprompts said...

Wow..those are just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

cant wait to take a look at their stuff!

scroungebird said...

Those are all extremely fabulous. Nice name too! Ahhh... I hate the french. They have everything good.

Lynn Stevens said...

So cool, Love it all, steampunk rocks1 Now I'm off to check out their site.

maria c-ham said...

Oh please pick me! These labels are so awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what fabulous things!

jme said...

SO cool!

Holly Black said...

Those are just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

:D those are some fantastic labels there xD

Chloe said...

Immediately checking out that Etsy shop. GORGEOUS, thanks for sharing!

Melissa Dominic said...

this is WAY neat!

Crescent Moon said...

I love their work! Thanks for sharing!

practicalgirl said...

now i want some creme brulee.

Ivy said...

pick me! their goodies are quite fun :)

magaidhbhan said...

Woah, how gorgeous! I'm off to add them to my eetsy favorites ... :D

Carrie said...

Very nice indeed! I am going to check out their shop right now!

austen cornell said...

Oh Lord! Vintage playing cards AND anatomical hearts! Can't be better! I want them all!

K. Patrick said...

Love the poison bottles! *off to look at their shop!*

MissFoxxy said...

Ooooooh I just found a new favorite etsy shop!

mamacita said...

Very cute.

Liz Mason said...

Amazing! I SO want to win.

Unknown said...

Wow, so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Library Bookwyrm said...

Beautiful!!! And I DO love the name of this shop!!! :D Also, love French desserts. Damn, now I need something sweet to eat...

Refactored said...

The skeletons are very cool.

Empress said...

Thank you for bringing them to my attention! Even if I don't win I think I'll have to buy something!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I am so glad I pointed them out!

La Carte Postale said...

These are beautiful!! I'm planning a steampunk themed wedding and I really wish I'd seen some of this stuff months ago!! It's never too late though... :^)

Bill said...

Wow. Would these be neat to have! I'm going to have to visit their shop.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful things! I love anything Victorian'ish and medical! I'm an unemployed Embalmer...go figure! I'll definitely be stalking the etsy site! LOL

Traveling Spork said...

Oooh, Awesome. Thanks for this opportunity!

Unknown said...

I had to go & fave this shop before I even entered!Thanks for the chance to win these

Hilary said...

Ooooh, I was just looking for a gift for someone, thanks for showing off the shop!

Allison said...

So awesome! I'd love to win!

Cyndia said...

Holy cow! I am thrilled to see these. I've been wanting labels and stuff like this for ages. Yes, count me into your giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow! Those are absolutely beautiful!

billiemarie said...

why, hello there! don't mind me, just trying to win a give away here ;)

billiemarie said...

on second thought, please do mind me!

Annie said...

I stumbled upon steampunk whilst researching themes for my wedding. I felt like an intrepid Victorian botanist, discovering something that has existed prior to my knowledge & yet opened up unto me a new world of excitement & wonder. I now have the bug! These pieces are fantastic & showcase how creative one can be with the smaller details around a humble abode. I ashamedly covet the door hanger - long may the disturbed reign!

The Mad Hatter said...

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please,

The Seasick Mermaid said...

Oh, these are wonderful! I'll buy something even if I don't win, but I'd love to win. I just had two root canals and am in great need of sympathy and cleverness.

paisley penguin said...

These are damn cool!

Faith said...

omg everything is amazing!! I would looooove to win!

Unknown said...

Ahhh...nice! Love it all...especially the "Disturbed" door tag...I need one for my husband's office all too badly...

Cate Simon said...

OK, I could use a nice surprise this week (relative in the hospital, up before 4am this morning because my husband is on snow-clearance duty, so behind on everything it's not funny). Not that I'm trying to sway you or anything. ;-)

Anto said...

Marvelous, excellent stuff. I'd love to win.

APoryes said...

You've officially broken my commenting-on-random-websites-virginity! I would love to enjoy these little, damn delicious paper treats!

Lisa Lotte said...

Lovely <3 I'm in!

Lisa Lotte said...

Lovely <3 I'm in!

Unknown said...

Wow, such gorgeous items!! Yay!

Unknown said...

Is there anything you can't find on etsy! Fabulous stuff!

Maisyday said...

Amazing find! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I checked out their etsy shop and they really have some awesome stuff! I love the skelleton cards and that door hanger is amazing!

Liz said...

want or need? I must have some of these lovely things!

Crystal said...

That is fabulous. Even if I don't win, I see some buying in my future.

jjejjohn said...

Your posts are always great

Unknown said...

Very,very, very cool stuff!

Tales of Whimsy said...

OMG OMG OMG I would love to win this. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

My email addy is suitejuju(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Unknown said...

Wow. Those are quite excellent. I think I'm in love with their stationary

e-rocka said...

I am in love with these wonderful things!!! I am stuck in a cubicle all day so things like this would make it a little more 'mine'!

Holly Go Furiously said...

Beautiful work... love discovering new Etsy shops :-)

Alex Whatton said...

God I love this blog. Their stuff is beautiful and I'm a HUGE fan! Thanks again for posting something amazing!

Andrea said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me

Unknown said...

Such awesome creativity! Those are great stationary! I would love to buy some. I bought a great Valentine's card from Etsy online and I love it. Etsy is so Etsy!

Jasyla said...

Those are amazing!

Cheryl Connell said...

eek! These are awesome!

Thanks always for the great stuff.


morty said...

elegant and charming for the quirky messages, love it!

Karen said...

I faved the shop... and then found myself faving almost every item IN the shop!

Lynne said...

Oh, my....these items are just lovely! Thanks for showing them, Sara, my day is made!

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I love it ALL!
Please pick me :)
I also sell on etsy, so I support the giveaway ;)
I have to "fave" them!
Thank you for telling us about Damn French Desserts!

Sparrow said...

Oooh, how fantastic!

Rachael Ann Mare said...

Adding to my Etsy favorites now. Thanks for sharing!

Saraccino said...

How cool! Crossing my fingers ^^

PickingUpStitches said...

What a fantastically curious Etsy shop!

greybon said...

These are wonderful! Must check out their Etsy shop now. :)

Z said...

Oh my god! Those are FANTASTIC! The giveaway is the day before my birthday, so...birthday present? :D

jillmurtagh said...

Fantastic stuff :)

Kathleen said...

I'm always looking out for great Etsy shops--and this one certainly fits the bill! Love it!

K. L. Gaffney said...

Wow, I don't there there's anything they make that I don't love! shop is faved and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. =)

Unknown said...

Beautiful stuff! I hope I win and I'll check out the shop for sure.

emmy jay said...

Oh, dear. The Do Not Disturb sign would be *so* useful.

Unknown said...

Yum! The kind of dessert I can make last, and won't regret later.

costumegal said...

Since I never throw jars away, it would be fun to have cool labels like these to stick on them!

Belinda said...

I love the jars, so pretty. I'll go stalk their Etsy now :D

Oh and thanks for the chance to win!

denise @ little ant design said...

What an unbelievable shop. So glad to have been introduced to such great work. Love, love, love the door hanger!!

xtine said...

Love this! Love Etsy! Love this! Love Etsy! Thanks for the post- would love to win this :)

Pica Maloria said...

Love the labels - plan to get some to be ready for this year's Halloween party!!

Raphael said...

Oh my, oh my, oh my – one graphic designer's eyes just melted. *____*

Anonymous said...

could it be any more delicious!??!?!

Unknown said...

This presents my quandaries in life: buy more dessert or more paper?

Anna said...

After hexing everyone so that I'll win these exquisite items, I'll take a closer look at las Hermanas on Etsy.

Dan and Sarah said...

Beautiful! What a great find. Thanks for sharing.

Maria said...

congrats! I saw you on Apartment Therapy :-) lovely greetings

Miss E said...

Really beautiful. :) Thanks to Damn French Desserts and Steampunk Home for this contest.

J said...

Fantastic items!

Unknown said...

Hooray for an awesome blog and with awesome give aways! Keep it up.

jennyb said...

Great shop! I couldn't resist making a purchase, but I'm still hoping to win (fingers crossed).

Jeanette said...

These are awesome. Two-Thumbs up for great graphic design.

Owl said...


Emme said...

How exquisite. I love it all. :D

Alexis said...

Wow, these are beautiful! Definitely heading over to etsy to heart their shop. <3

jenny said...

Yeah! Another fun etsy store to frequent! Thanks for sharing this!

Marcia said...

Crazybrilliant!! I know where I'm buying stationary now XD

g1sh said...

Love love love this blog

Julienne said...

I love to find stationery that isn't just 'cutesy' - Thanks!!!

Lexi said...

Those are all wonderful- going to their Etsy right now!

Amanda Stock said...

Oh dear, now I absolutely must have some of those poison labels for the old bottles I'm collecting...

dave said...

They and you are wonderful.

kat79 said...

Those are awesome. I wanna win.

Unknown said...

That is absolutely amazing! I would babble more, but this damn cold is making my brain not work. But it is amazing! So I will stick with that ;-)

tama said...

Beautiful! I love the fragile heart card!

Miss A said...

Those are positively gorgeous!

Xa Lynn said...

I'm still laughing at the "do not disturb" sign - that's the way i feel today! Thanks for pointing out that shop!

Xa Lynn

Emily Miller, Kauai said...

I love that door hanger!

Mary said...

Beautiful! Would love to win something!

Unknown said...

Throwing my hat into the ring! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Anonymous said...

All are so well thought of and stylish!

gretchen said...

Oh, how cool...I'm on my way to their shop now!

Morgan said...

Wow, that shop is amazing! Have just added it to my favorites.

Unknown said...

New shop to gain my money a mix of this is great and crap need to earn more money

Dylan said...

I know what I'm giving away for Christmas!

Josh Smith said...

I love the "do not disturb, already disturbed sign" I may have to check these ladies out even if I don't win.

Margus said...

Found your blog just today, and il be shure to keep reeding, awesome stuff :D

Nimlyn said...

Wow, those would look great displayed in my new oak cabinet!

sara said...

How absolutely fabulous! I love their work!!!!

Datura2112 said...

Those are amazing! Just my style.

Nikkol said...

I love this stuff it is awsome!!

steph g said...

I just found your blog from the Homies site--and it' is splendiferous.

And these are amazing! I know where I will be spending some money soon...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post!! I loved these so much, I did a post myself on my blog! all the best, Monica

Doctor Grymm said...

These are brilliant! Great find! I especially love that door hanger!


~Dr. Grymm

Elizabeth said...

I love it! wonderful stuff.

The Creative said...

Just like you said...I'm drooling. All over. SO MUCH DROOL. Must have!

Rachel said...

Love. It. So much. Love your blog. Thanks for the heads up.

Molly said...

Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous!

K:ra said...

Already Disturbed...<3
also, rather enjoy this blog - keep up the goodness.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful items! I love their stuff!

Leslie said...

I spend so much of my time on ETSY, so how is it that I never before knew of this awesome shop! What I wouldn't give for that door hanger?? I'm thinking my office...

Jennie said...

Thanks for the heads up on this fascinating shop, and for such a nice giveaway. Fantastic!

Jennie said...

Thanks for the heads up on this fascinating shop, and for such a nice giveaway. Fantastic!

Cara said...

Generous, generous, generous! It will come back to you!

Josiah Schmidt said...

Awesome! Count me in for the drawing!

Unknown said...

Amazing! Love the Door Hanger, that is awesome!!!

The Professor said...

These really are lovely. As a side note, it's awesome to see how this blog has grown. I remember when there were articles where every commenter was named Sara. :)

l said...

Oh wow, what an amazing shop!

Unknown said...

Good luck on the draw!

Denise said...

Love the Do not Disturb! what a bunch of cool stuff!

Dread Viking said...

Awesome stuff, awesome site. Both yours and theirs.

J.A. Dollard said...

Certainly count me in on this :)

BC said...

perfect ideas for Valentine's Day! You have such great taste!

Keira said...

Ooh! I checked the blog just in time! So many great new posts, thanks!

artguyny said...

Outstanding. But then, I've always loved desserts....

Susan Igel said...

Oh wow! I love this! And thanks for the new Etsy shop to favorite!

Cherish said...

Oh, wow! Really cool designs. Btw, I just discovered your blog through Apartment Therapy. I'll be back, for sure :)

Kim said...

I'm in! Thanks for the contest, and the link to their shop. Great stuff!

Unknown said...

Fantastic shop! Thank you for sharing!

Emily Katseanes said...

Just found your blog through apartmenttherapy and love your ideas. Also, I will probably end up spending half of bank account on this etsy shop, so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Jenlaughs said...

I love the shop, thank you for the introduction!

Michael Rappe said...

Those are some really snazzy paper-wares. I'm a fan of the "Do-Not Disturb" sign.


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