Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Electrical Insulators turned lighting

Great light, made from repurposed antique telegraph and electrical insulators. At Napa Style.


Andrea said...

Your back! Yay.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Horribly sexy! I love these :)

maria c-ham said...

Where have you been????

dave said...

I've been following your blog forever and enjoy it immensely, but have never taken the time to say so before now. I tell everybody I know about your work. Thanks for all you do. You helped me define a passion I didn't even know I had.

And this lighting fixture idea is great!

Sara said...

Hi Maria -- I've been home with a newborn -- I'll try to get back on the blogging bandwagon, though!

Thanks for letting me know you enjoy the blog, Dave.

Unknown said...

I have also missed you. Your images speak to me. Have fun with your newborn - they are so precious.

Lynne said...

Glad to see you posting again, Sara! Hope you had a great holiday with the steampunklets and you're getting some rest. ^_^

maria c-ham said...

congrats on the baby!

Rain Barrel Collector said...

Oh, good idea. I have some old glass insulators which are destined to hold cables around a room. Thanks to this inspiration, when I build the stands for them, I'm going to add LED lights in the stands too.

asher said...

So glad to see you back! Hope the baby is well.

Unknown said...

Yay! Sara's back!

bete-noire said...

great idea. we now know exactly what we're going to do with the dozen insulators we just picked up in mississippi for a dollar a pop.

Sara said...

Fat Lady -- poke around Etsy, there are some examples of these insulators with LEDs in them there.

Bete -- jealous! $1 each! My father-in-law (the power engineer) has a small collection in his living room, and I think they look awesome just sitting on an end table.

bete-noire said...

now i want to see them sitting around on a table! take some pictures and let us see. ^_^

Rachel said...

What a cool idea! BTW- love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

I've done my homework when I came across this blog. All I can say is that this model rocks! It has a touch of classical appeal. For sure, most brass pipe suppliers and brass distributors will be inspired when they see this.

biodtl said...

There are other manufactures of insulatorlights. Look around before purchasing them because some are knockoffs and unoriginal upcycled repurposed design.


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