I'll only things that can fall into the "home" category -- books, home decor, cooking, furniture, etc. I'll also include some ideas for steampunklets. No jewelry or clothing, please.
Image from Cyborg Necromancer on DeviantArt.
I believe that Steampunk is more than just brass and watchparts. It's finding a way to combine the past and the future in an aesthetic pleasing yet still punkish way. It's living a life that looks old-fashioned, yet speaks to the future. It's taking the detritus of our modern technological society and remaking it into useful things. Join me as I search for items for my house that combine the scientific romanticism of the Victorians with our real present and imagined future.
I received my first House Beautiful in the mail today and thought of you. They have several rooms that look like modern steampunk to me. I heart it.
I've got some lovely and inexpensive steampunk-friendly photography prints at my Etsy store for folks looking for home decor. Lots of bright colors!
My site is http://www.exoskeletoncabaret.etsy.com. Thank you!
You might enjoy the steampunk-infused dark urban fantasy novel and Falling, Fly by my lovely wife, Skyler White. It won't be released until March 2010, but it'd make a nice Christmas pre-order from Amazon! :)
-river otter widget on etsy has really great lights.
-nauticalhome.com has a globe mobile that i covet
Oh yes, River Otter rocks. Forwarded this call to the Etsy SteamTeam
These light plates....are rad.
Winona has some great illustrations .
Steampunk Illustrations
I mostly make jewelry but i have some sculptures that you may want to check out .
Steampunk Jewelry and Sculptures
This is a great store!
They have finally released their Steampunk range for order.
What really makes this a store that stands apart from the rest is that they are willing to make up a design for you!
They are handmade in London using only the very best components and most luxurious fabrics - including the exclusive 'Steamforce Flying' textured leather.
Saw a prototype of the Aristocrat boot during this last Whitby and have been eagerly awaiting the store's opening.
This is a great store!
They have finally released their Steampunk range for order.
What really makes this a store that stands apart from the rest is that they are willing to make up a design for you!
They are handmade in London using only the very best components and most luxurious fabrics - including the exclusive 'Steamforce Flying' textured leather.
Saw a prototype of the Aristocrat boot during this last Whitby and have been eagerly awaiting the store's opening.
I have so many
totally cool lights
handmade apothecary chests
more lights (very nautical)
There is so much here I can't even start.
I hope these are not duplicate from your webpage
Thanks for the work you put into this
one more
They have alot of industrial furniture but they also make some of their own stuff
What makes me most excited about the steampunk movement is that it is rekindling interest in some of the more obscure works of Victorian lit. To this day, we we a still rediscovering figures such as Chauncey Millington:
Buy some classic travel literature for the holidays and see where it all started!
For children, there is this:
Those linen curtains with nailhead trim are awesome!
Crescent Moon, what makes you think that only kids would love those airship toys? Thanks, now I know what to ask for! ^_^
I don't have a lot of ideas at present but if anyone's in the market for apothecary jars or cloches, I saw some nicely shaped ones at the local Hobby Lobby, and they are half price this week. Even if you don't have a treasure to display in one yet, the shapes are pretty and they give a group of items a hint of science-lab- collector cachet.
Just saw some artist designed lamp shades posted on design*sponge (http://www.designspongeonline.com/2009/11/yellena-james-schoolhouse-electric.html) and thought of your Holiday List. The artist also has an Etsy page: http://www.etsy.com/shop/yellena.
Incredible prints by EttaDiem (Myke Amend & Bethalynn Bajema)
Billy Blue's Skull Cabinet Pull Knobs
Lamps by Wardenclyffe Wares
And I second all of the artists above...
o yes more lights!!
More kid stuff, or for kids at heart:
This is the one my son has asked for:
RC Airship that you personalize with stencils and markers:
Let's try this again with proper links.
I desperately want this candlestick for my house: www.sundancecatalog.com/PRODUCT/For+the+Home/Living/Accessories/44439.html (among everything else on that website and on Jayson Homes.
Any of the furniture on spirithouse.ca, especially this bookcase: www.spirithouse.ca/gallery.php?id=79&left=20&gallery=14
I always have along list for Ten Thousand Villages (handcrafted and fair trade, what's not to love?), especially: http://www.tenthousandvillages.ca/cgi-bin/category.cgi?type=store&item=5996060&category=M_Hom
I just got a teak and leather Regency style sofa from this store, they've got plenty of great items: http://bluemoonevo.com/adventurer.html
And I'm afraid I'm just going to have to plug my own store, I make some steampunk style books including: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30732806
Not my own store! I buy people pocket watches for Chrismas and I get them off Ebay for..well..nothing plus postage. If you're uncertain about buying watches from Ebay I have to say I've bought a lot (like, about 10? !2?) and never had a watch not arrive, never had a watch not work and never had anyone who wasn't delighted. Some are more steampunky than others, so I'm putting up my faves for this year, just so you can see the pictures.
This one has 3 working dials, in brass, so you can set your Time Machine
(I bought that one for Hubby. Shhs!)
And this one I own and buy more for my Lady Adventuress companions.
It's mechanical! You can see the cogs!!!!
Again, I don't own any of these Ebay stores, just this is where I shop for Steampunk stuff that works for Mundane people, too.
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