Stumbled across this review of the Coffee Snob cold drop coffee maker on the steamfashion LJ community.
I don't think I could say it better than Lori:
"And, besides, look at it. No, really, look at it. This coffee maker is gorgeous. It's an homage to the Victorian era - can't you just see Jules Verne with one of these aboard the Nautilus? The glass pieces are beautifully shaped, the metal bits add detail and sparkle, and the wood framework is as warm and rich as the cup of coffee you're anticipating... which will be in about 6-10 hours, depending on how fast the ice melts. With cold drip coffee, patience is indeed a virtue."
Victorian styling, chemistry set appeal, and it produces a cup of coffee! What else could you ask for?
A work of art! I belive I shall have to obtain one asap - ty!
Thank you! I just discovered today that you blogged about my mention of this lovely machine! I'm sure the manufacturer will appreciate any extra interest you'll help give his product.
AKA CocoaJava in LJ
Ceejay Writer, Steampunk Vampire in SL
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