Friday, January 21, 2011

A Favor? Nominate me for the Homies

Every year, Apartment Therapy (the grandpappy of home design blogs) sponsors a contest for the best home design blog of the year. I'm wondering, if after almost four years of posting here, if I might have enough readers to be in the running.

Besides, wouldn't it be fun to show all those minimalist modernists how the other side lives?

Here's how to do it:
1) Follow this link.
2) Register to be able to comment on Apartment Therapy.
3) Comment on the above link with the following content:
Name: The Steampunk Home

I need to be in the top 6 to make it to the next round, so the more people who add a comment, the higher the likelihood I make the actual voting.

Nominating runs until January 25th at midnight EST.

Thank you!


  1. By all means, Madam! I will do my part to ensure all hands get the word!
    Dr. R. Fabre
    The Steampunk Tribune
    (ex-Voyages of a Steampunk Physician)

  2. Seriously, who nominates Casa Sugar? Ugh.

    Done and done.

  3. Done! Jumping through hoops to register was totally worth it :) (That sounds sarcastic, but really isn't.)

  4. Consider yourself voted for. When I see I have an unread post of yours in my reader, my face just lights up.

  5. voted !

    AT seems to get a lot of grumpy commenters so i'm a bit nervous about my fav blogs being featured there, but i suppose it's probably that way on any equivalently large blog-site. ah, internet !

  6. Just started reading this blog last week and it's easily made its way to one of my must reads! When I come home from a less than fabulous day at work and find a new post here, it makes my night; consider yourself nominated.
