Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Castle "Punked" episode

This might be fun:

Castle -- an ABC cop show -- has an episode featuring a "steampunk secret society" and a 200 year old bullet on next Monday. Looks like some good gadgets, but I couldn't get a read on the sets from the preview. But best of all, Castle stars Nathan Fillion -- I've had a soft spot in my heart for him since Firefly (my gateway drug into Steampunk, I have to admit... even if the Old West + Spaceships isn't quite what we call steampunk these days).


  1. It looks awesome. I heart Cpt. Tightpants in whatever he does (although I miss him in Firefly). /le swoon. Steampunk + Cpt. Tightpants? Perfection!

  2. HECK YA!
    That's my show!
    Thanks for the update :)

  3. I am soooo regretting my lack of tv reception right now - i have to wait til i can Netflix it - auuuugh!

  4. I have a couple of friends who are extras in this episode. They are Steampunk RPers in real life as well as in Second Life and they said they had a great time filming.

    We are all looking forward to seeing them in the episode!

  5. Yes! Thank you! I am also a huge fan of Nathan Fillion from Firely and actually started reading your blog because of what Firefly/Serenity inspired in me. Thank you for sending amazing stuff all the time - I'm glad we can all watch this episode "together!"

  6. Also a firefly/used future fan

    Le sigh

  7. I was watching Castle last mon. and saw the preview for this. Not sure if I can wait 4 more days for my favorite show and favorite fashion to be combined!

  8. Squee! Captain Tightpants. You should look for the Halloween episode of Castle from last year. He actually dresses up as a particular captain that we all know and love.

  9. I just got turned on to Firefly via hulu... addiction is pending!

  10. Hm, I hadn't thought of Firefly as Steampunk, but I think that's one of the reasons why I love that show!

    I guess it does have a bit of the riveted, 19th century (Wild West of the U.S. versus Victorian and Edwardian England), sci fi steampunk look. :)

    I don't always post comments, but I'm subscribed and really enjoy your blog.

    Take care,


  11. check out these: http://www.marinemine.com/#minefurniture

  12. Haha, Castle is always a hoot, and this one was extra fun.

  13. Haha, Castle is always fun, and this one was a hoot. Love the steampunk blog. Hope to see you post more often!

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  15. "Firefly (my gateway drug into Steampunk, I have to admit"... Me too!! I foolishly thought Steampunk was something they made up just for that Castle episode. I found out just today that it is real! Couldn't be happier.
