Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Bookshelf

We're a big fan of book and library based decor around here, and Rich found this article in the Sacramento Bee about how to build an extremely simple shelf from a hardback book...

Notice how they match the spine color with the wall color. And it's always fun to create thematic shelves based on your pick of books e.g. cookbooks or a knife based murder mystery (how about "Slip of the Knife" or "A Knife to Remember") for a kitchen.


  1. THat is such a great idea...I'm going to do that, now I have to go shopping for just the right books. Great post.

  2. Love this. B&N also sells "invisible" bookshelves that hook into the bottom cover of a hardback book, and when you stack more books on top of them, the shelf disappears and they sort of float on the wall.

  3. Love that this doesn't damage the book! I like books as shelves but most other ideas I've seen involve drilling into the book or otherwise destroying it and I just can't bring myself to do that, no matter how bad the book. So love this idea!

  4. I love your blog and would like to link to it from mine. Let me know if I can.

  5. I swear, two days ago I was at an antique store with my mom, looking at books and telling her I wanted some cool looking ones to make shelves out of! Guess I'm not the first on with the idea - it's a great one tho!
