Thursday, February 4, 2010

Erin Martin Design

Jaime introduced me to the delightful work of Erin Martin Design. Here's the most steampunk of her designs.

I love the quirkiness of using wall mounted reading lamps to light a sink.

I think these images are some for a radio-crystallography -- but maybe one of you know better?

Nice juxtaposition of industrial lighting with traditional handwriting.

I *love* the door on this bathroom.

Dark. Moody. Train.

Would love to know who made this coffeetable with an octopus on it.

Antique Astronomy Chart...

with an even older celestial tool in front of it...


  1. i have an octopus coffee table on order from the goblin bazaar on etsy.

  2. I need an octopus coffee table. That's just so awesome.

  3. I don't think those pictures are from radio crystallography. My final art major for college was themed around the leaf & I sandwiched decayed leaves between photographic paper & glass & exposed them in the darkroom creating prints pretty much identical to those pictured.

    It's easy - once you've shelled out the cash for a darkroom & chemicals!

  4. Tammy -- love the table, just featured it in a post -- you should do more.

    Allison -- did you buy it??? If so, please send pics of it in it's new home. :)

    Belladonna -- yeah, they aren't quite fractal enough for crystallography, but nonetheless neat.

  5. So glad you enjoyed her work Sara, and I love the images you gathered! Thanks so much for the shout out and link, much appreciated! Have a gorgeous weekend.

    All the best,

  6. I want to thank Tammyo and The Steampunk Home for posting the picture of my first 100% handmade octopus table.

    -Kimberley Coffman at The Goblin Bazaar

  7. Each photo was so beautiful in a wonderful and unique way.This was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed looking.

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