Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Collecting Brass

I was browsing through Rare Victorian, a great blog dedicated to Victorian furniture, and ran into a comment by Zeke on collecting Victorian brass.

Sniffing around in antique shops, flea markets etc. can reveal a variety of Victorian brass and iron objects that can add interest when placed on your Victorian furniture.

Here’s a few that we have arrayed on a dresser in our bedroom:

Brass Eastlake thermometer - $60 - Ebay
Iron Eastlake inkwell - $65 - Grist Mill antiques New jersey
Modern gothic dresser mirror, brass or copper over iron - $28 Garage flea Market, New York
Brass victorian blotter - $10 - Lambertville NJ flea Market
Eastlake oil lamp converted to electric - $28 Milford PA antique shop
Aesthetic bird shade on lamp - $10 garage flea market New York.

These were all under $100 and are fun to search for. They make great little gifts for the Victorian enthusiast

Zeke's Photobucket account with lots of shots of his home and fabulous furniture.


  1. I find things like this all the time at antique shops. Oh all the lovely thing you find while antiquing!
