Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Complete Project Precita

Reader Maren stumbled across this Flickr set and thought it should be shared. It's not steampunk, but it's a real life example of the philosophy we espouse here at The Steampunk Home: Make it unique, make it yours, make it yourself. I could speak at length about what makes this home special, but I think if you just watch the slideshow you'll understand.

(Don't like the slideshow? See them all here.)

What's your favorite part? What ideas could be co-opted for steampunk homes?


  1. There are dozens of "mad science" features that are fantastic; I wonder where they did their shopping... a government slavage yard?

  2. I do believe this home was featured in Readymade Magazine... the owners are both flying enthusiasts and wanted a home that reflected that, hence the section of airplane on the wall as art/lighting, and the refreshment-cart bar.Readymade #20, dec. 2005 pp 63-67. the Galley Cart bar came from Aviation Warehouse in El Mirage, California, but you have to call ahead. Industrial waterproof switches are from "electrical supply stores or home-improvement chains like Home Depot." Interestingly, they recommend the companies of Grainger and McMaster-Carr for hardware and industrial-style home fixtures... Worth a look for a steampunker perhaps?
