Friday, June 20, 2008

Metro Stop or Submarine?

Brass Goggles recently featured this picture by anesterik of the Paris Metro stop nearest the Musée des Arts + Metiers. According to Philomena, the recently redesigned stop was made with the fullest intention to look like the interior of a Verne-esque submersible.

I have no idea how it is done, but I think the riveted brass walls would be a warm and interesting interior treatment for a dramatic room -- perhaps a dining room, or on a smaller scale in a powder room.


  1. Beautiful! Here's something you might be interested in...
    Check out the desk!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Maybe you gonna like this one to:

    The site is in german but feel free to ask, i am happy to answer your questions.

  4. Dining room or powder room? Beautiful, I grant you, but...fingerprints. Who's gonna polish that? ;-)
