Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Simple Library from Cottage Living

Last October's Cottage Living had this simple "library nook" that had a lot of steampunk appeal -- leather club chairs, brass reading lamps, and a bookshelf that's been on the Steampunk Home Kaboodle List for a couple months now -- the Railroad Tie Bookshelf. I like this bookshelf -- it's made of recycled railroad ties (railroads -- cutting edge Victorian industrial technology, in case you forget...) . They are more rustic and modern that our traditional steampunk fare, but given their provenance, I think they would fit nicely into a steampunk room. The nautical knots used as bookends are also a nice touch.


  1. Who has that few books on their bookshelf? :P

  2. Yeah, I agree with you, Larisa! (I've seen some really obscene things done to bookshelves in the name of decorating -- like turning them all around so all you see are the page ends so they look the same!)

  3. Love The Steampunk Home. Now I finally know where my husband and I fit in! We've been decorating (on a small scale) like this for years. Please, keep up the awesome work!

  4. Z'rrza -- Do share some pictures if you have anything you'd like to show off!
