Monday, August 27, 2007

Drains of Canada -- steampunk landscapes

Ben pointed me to this fascinating interview of Michael Cook, an urban explorer, on BLGBLOG today. ("Drains of Canada")

It's fascinating. Poke through some of the pictures -- I can't believe the urban drain system is this steampunk. Old brickworks -- rusty hydraulics -- arches -- pinpoints of light in the dark -- dirt and grime -- cogs and gears. Inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Well what a coincidence, I was along for the ride to that magical place. What could be more whimsical than being INSIDE of one of the greatest technological wonders of the beginning of the 20th century AND behind a natural wonder of the world.

    I've seen a lot of amazing gear and architecture over the years through my explorations. ( That combined with finding your site by total random chance today may be the inspiration I need to start decking out my new apartment.

    Great site. Keep it up!
